What is phpBB?

If you want a discussion board, a place where you can talk to different folks on different subjects, then phpBB – the most widely used free bulletin board software app, will be a perfect choice for you.

What phpBB will offer you is an incredible administrative section, via which you can administer all the settings of your bulletin board – you can choose who will be the forum moderators, precisely how the website will look, etc. Yet another enormous advantage of phpBB is familiarity – a lot of users already know this software app and the second they notice your web site, they will know what to do.

phpBB is a registered trademark of phpBB Limited and shares no connection with Blade-Conspire International Group.

phpBB–Optimized Cloud Hosting Services

If you’re searching for a good home for your message board, then you’ve arrived at the right place. We, at Blade-Conspire International Group, offer phpBB–optimized shared web hosting service services that can handle any sort of bulletin board.

Blade-Conspire International Group’s phpBB cloud hosting packages were designed to be riskless. You’ll take advantage of a 99.9% server uptime, it’s guaranteed. And you will get unlimited disk drive storage space, unlimited monthly bandwidth and unlimited MySQL database space allowances so that your phpBB–based discussion forum can expand safely. Besides, with all phpBB cloud hosting packages provided by Blade-Conspire International Group, you will be offered a cost–free domain and a round–the–clock customer support service with an average helpdesk ticket response time of twenty minutes.

An Easy–to–Use Web Hosting Control Panel

All our phpBB cloud hosting packages feature Blade-Conspire International Group’s simple–to–use Online Control Panel. It is designed to run in the cloud and permits you to manage every aspect of your web presence from one single location. This goes to say that you’ll be able to manage all your web sites, domain names and billing transactions via it. With other companies, you will need a minimum of 2 different Control Panel tools to perform the same tasks.

And inside the Hepsia hosting Control Panel you’ll find a variety of charge–free bonuses, such as a drag & drop File Manager, which will remove the necessity for an FTP software program. And we also have a number of Website Accelerator Tools for sophisticated customers – with them, you can make your phpBB site work faster than ever before.